By now I'm sure you've all heard about the madness that took place on Black Friday at the Wal-Mart in Valley Stream, Long Island, New York. I'll sum it up just in case. At 5am on Friday, November 28th, a worker was crushed by a wave of people as big as 2,000 as he tried to open the doors for shopping. A little info on Valley Stream:
93% White
5% Asian
1.5% African American <----all work at Wal-Mart! j/k.....maybe Median income for a household $103,243 As we can see, it's a very affluent area of Long Island, so It surprises me that they were so thirsty to save a few dollars on things they probably had already. Maybe they wanted to upgrade the flat screen in the guest room to someting of more theatric dimensions.
Only in America.
Sure, people get trampled all the time in foreign countries. Usually it's to get rice during a nationwide food shortage, or to flee an oncoming army. Sometimes it's to escape rising flood waters or other natural disasters. In Long Island, you get trampled over a television or an over priced re-hashing of last years' toys all so you little spoiled, snot-nosed, undeserving offspring can have the honor of bragging to their classmates about having the latest lead contaminated piece of molded Chinese plastic that somehow makes them cooler to the other douchebags to be in the 6th grade. It's sickening. People were actually mad that shopping was suspended while they attended to this dying person! Damn him for dying before I could max out my credit card...again...this year. Doesn't he know that my illiterate children will throw temper tantrums if they don't have something new and shiny under the tree? The Ritalin only does so much.
By the way, aren't we in a recession?
Apparently times aren't as bad as advertised if people are crushing each other for the opportunity to spend money first. I think I may have stumbled into the answer for our economic woes - let's just make every Friday Black Friday! Sure we might lose a few dozen people to mob violence, but hey, that's less people sucking up my welfare dollars!
Even in the face of the worst economy in decades, materialism still trumps all in the U.S.
Do you.
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