So the Presidential Election is about 2 and a half weeks away, and the intensity and anticipation is growing. I've decided to list everything I like about BOTH candidates, because this is going to be a close election and I want to make sure I pick the right person. Up first, the Senator from my hometown, Barack Obama:
- No risk of death during his Presidency
- Qualified VP in Joe Biden
- Only owns one house and one car
- From Chicago
- Sound tax and economic policy
- Would be a great boost to foreign relations
- Family man
- Well-educated
So there you have it, all my reasons for voting for each candidate. It will be a tough one, but I think I'm going with Obama for this one. They both have very strong ideas, thoughts, opinions, and plans for our nation, but in the end Obama resonates with me more than McCain. I think what did it for me is the fact th

Did you really expect a list of pros for McCain? This ain't a major news outlet! Save that equal coverage crap for CNN. McCain is lucky to get referred to by his given name rather than some of the other names that are bouncing around in my head. Check the title of this blog again. I am from the hood.
Do you.
LOL. That was funny. Great post!
crazy boy.
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