Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Gucci Bandana. Aye!

So I go to imeem.com today and I am greeted by utter nonsense. They have a section on the 30 best Gucci Mane songs of 2008...... Yep. First, I was amazed that there were 30 songs to put on the list. Secondly, a list as long as 30 implies at least double or triple the amount of total songs. Who is buying Gucci Mane like that?! Have you heard "Gucci Bandana"?! He says the word Gucci like 17 times. That's like once a bar!

Let me take a step back and say there have been numerous occasions where that song has been stuck in my head, but still....

Other top 30 lists I'd rather see:
  • 30 places to visit in Wyoming
  • Top 30 trends in trailer park interior design
  • 30 reasons not to have unprotected sex: A Pictorial
  • Fat Joe vs. Rick Ross: Battle of the Bare Bellies
  • DJ Khaled's top 30 ad-libs of this week
Not to hate too hard on Gucci, but c'mon man, step them bars up. Fans, step your expectations up.

Do you.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

CPS Violence

I know ya'll read the title and immediately started thinking about all the shootings CPS had in 2008, but this violence is much different. In this case, the teachers/staff/coaches are beating the students. So far, about 600 incidents have been reported, and only 24 teachers have been punished. I won't write too much because the link is below, but I will pose these questions:
  • Is there an acceptable amount of phyiscal discipline that can be administered at schools?
  • Can these actions ever be justified?
  • Is this an issue of ill-mannered kids stressing out overworked/unerpaid teachers?
  • Does the race of the students or teachers play a role in this?
  • Why are the Chicago Public Schools (CPS) so bogus?
  • Should we be worried about Arne Duncan making policy for the rest of the nations schools?
  • What would you do if this happened to your child?
As a product od the CPS system, I have experienced some abuse at the hads of my wrestling/football coaches. I say abuse, but it really just felt like the kind of discipline that you'd expect from a coach. My teammates and I never had any issues with it. The classroom is a different story though. If my science teacher tried to discipline me the same way my football coach did, then we'd have a serious issue on our hands.

My experiences with physical discipline came at an all black high school in a rough area. The elementary school I attended was very diverse and in an affluent area. That probabaly had a lot to do with it. No matter the setting though, we can't have educators abusing the children. Something needs to be done immediately.


Do you.


On Twitter now: windysity.

Check me out.

Hopefully this isn't as distracting as it has the potential to be...

Do you.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


I was browsing WorldStarHiphop.com today, and I came across a video of KRS-One spouting the usual conspiracy theories about the New World Order, 9/11 bring an inside job, and how we're all walking in darkness. He says that he doesn't trust Obama becuase he his part of the same regime, just with a black face.

Apparently "they" put Obama in power to: 1. quell the upcoming revolution, 2. eliminate the black vs. white argument, and 3. being President now is equivalent to being a manager at Burger King.

KRS is very brave for saying this things becuase according to him, the FBI (yes, THAT FBI) was in the crowd listening to him, yet are powerless to stop him..... Lemme get this straight- "they" can orchestrate elections, carry out gov. sposored terrosism, and destroy the global economy but can't quiet his voice? Wow.

He also references the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution as poetry and GOD given, yet hasa necer exercised his right to vote. Well except in the last election. And that's only becuase he says voting allows him to be critical of the President. Hold up. You're telling me that you only voted for Obama so you could criticize him? Does that mean you've been silent over the past 8 years about what Bush has done, yet you jump at the chance to tear down the first black President? C0me on, brotha, you cain't be serious! He's been in office less than a month, and everything you're talkin about happened before he was elected. I undestand you having a general distrust of politicians, but you seem to be going out of your way to question Obama.


KRS will one day realize that no matter how loud he speaks, how animated he gets, and how wide is eyes open, this shit sounds tired and old.

Do you.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Signs of the Times

Man, it's gettin rough out there.

I was at the Walgreen's on Madison and Western today getting some cash out of the machine for a fresh haircut when I witnessed a daring mid-day heist unfold right before my eyes. As I turned to leave the store, a man ran past me, hurriedly stuffing multiple 4-packs of Dove Moisturizing Bath Bars into his coat. The store employees were too stunned/lazy/disinterested to do more than cast a disapproving glance at the exit through with the thief had escaped. Of course the one white guy (manager) that worked there came running out with a concerned look on his face, but stopped short of actually leaving the store. He prolly realized that the beating he'd receive if he caught up to the thief was too high a price to pay to for the employee of the month plaque he'd get for recovering the merchandise.

As I left the store, I could just make out the tail end of the thief's coat flapping in the wind as he bent the corner into the alley. I have to say, he made a wise choice with his soap theft. Chicago winters are notoriously harsh, and Dove's natural ingredients soothe the chapping effect of the City's namesake winds. That one thought in his mind is probably what gave him the clarity to reach out and select Dove amidst the veritable cornucopia of bath products. Well done good sir, well done.

No only does Dove symbolize real beauty, it symbolizes real hood too!

Do you.

Monday, February 2, 2009


So I know I'm EXTRA late but, I went to D.C. for the Inauguration of President Obama. As much as I want to say it was a transcendent, tear-jerking moment in my life....I can't. Don't get me wrong. There is no where else in the world I would've rather been. It's just that the bone chilling cold, and massive crowd put a damper on things. By the time the inauguration started, my girl and I had been standing outside for over 6 hours. On top of that, since we were standing near the Capitol building and not on the mall, we couldn't see anything. On the plus side though, I was able to get a lot of good shots with my spiffy new Nikon D40.

Let me say that although I seem to be complaining, I know I am very fortunate to have been a part of history. I am fortunate to have been among the diverse throng of people that descended upon D.C. to see the first black President sworn into office. I'm fortunate that I can tell this story to my children and grandchildren. Throughout all the excitement, all I could think is that we don't have time for more celebration and ceremony.

I wondered how many people around me didn't have jobs to go to the next day. I wondered if they would still be so teary-eyed and excited then. I'm sorry that my inauguration tale isn't a cheery one, but man, it's hard to be happy in these tough times.

I will say though, that I have the utmost confidence in Barry, and I feel that he will change things greatly for the better.

Obama '12!!

Do you.